In conclusion, I dreamt of a bomb incident which happened exactly during the bomb blast, but if you read and analyze carefully to the story below, there are a lot of hidden symbols in this dream. This dream shocked and disturbed me the whole day. I shall not reveal the meaning because this is a very sensitive issue ( I could be wrong anyway). This is how the dream started:

Reconstruction of the dream
1. The dream started in my grandmother house, located in Semarang Indonesia. I saw this mysterious medium built guy (not so tan and not so white) in “yellow t-shirt” looking very suspicious. He kept on looking his surrounding
2. His image was becoming more apparent. His aura was so strong and fearful one.
3. I saw him coming again from my grandmother’s window grill and he kept coming towards me.
4. He suddenly entered into my grandmother’s room when I was sleeping then.
5. I swapped my position to see what was going on.
6. Like I mentioned before, his aura was so strong that I did not even dare to look at him, I told myself to open my eyes slowly.
7. He was planting several bombs! The one in the room was only part of the whole bombs that he planted. There were many other bombs outside that room.
8. What I found out was, this small bomb will activate the bigger bombs (which was hidden underground my grandmother’s room). Apparently it was nuclear bomb!!
9. Once he was done, he ran out of the room immediately!
10. I took my courage to follow him outside and wanted to catch him
11. While on the way chasing him I equipped myself by taking a wooden log as a weapon
12. Unfortunately he ran too fast, and managed to escape from the house.

13. Funnily, I managed to get his detail and photos.
14. I quickly called my father and he decided to call his old friend “high ranking police” to come to the house.
15 The “high ranking police”, his subordinate and bomb squad came shortwhile later and surrounded and checked the whole house for every possible place where this “yellow T-shirt” person could posisble put the bomb. The police came with a high-tech bomb defuser equipment.
16. My father was so happy to see his old “high ranking police” friend and hugged him. To my surprise he gave passed a huge sum of money!! I asked my father what was it for? He simply said: “A token for coming and helping us.”
17. After they chat to each other this “high ranking police” set up his huge bomb equipment.
18. He was accompanied by ” a Muslim religious cleric” . I asked him why are you here? He answered: ” I just want to ensure that everything will go smoothly. I just puzzled
19. The whole idea of this bomb diffuser is to insert a small robotic bomb into the ground and let the bomb explode. Quite similar to diffusing mines bomb, by letting it explode so that it will not injured anybody that stepped into it.
20.At this stage I felt so puzzled, why this “high ranking police” decided to use this method? Why can’t he just take the bomb outside the house and let it explode? Why is he letting my grandmother’s house in fire?
21. He started the operation…. He operated the first robot. It went in to the ground but there was no bomb and repeated this steps a couple of times but stopped at the fourth one. He said:”I can feel it! The robot got stucked! We have found the bomb! Let’s all evacuate!!”
22. All of us (me and all the policemen inside) ran out of the house. At the gate there was a security guard ensuring that all of us are safe.
23. The last one that came out was the “high ranking police” with his bomb diffuser device… ready to set the bomb and knew that he is going to destroy my grandmother’s house. But I wondered, what happen to the rest of the bomb..
24 Anyway,we waited a couple seconds before he proceed… and then…..I woke up!!!

I woke up because of my ringtone at 9:16 am (Indonesia time). My sister Sms: “Bro there was a bomb in Jakarta!!!”. I was so shocked to see her sms and replied her: “I know, I just saw it in my dream” and I went back to sleep (or was it faint? my whole body was so tired and energy was so drained!)
Later in the day, my father SMS me: ” They found another bomb”. And I answered” I know!! I saw it in my dream, I knew there were more than one”. I kept on thinking of this dream. And when I recalled back the whole dream, I might know who the culprit is…

source: here
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